
Juvenile-Justice in Bangladesh: Part one

As in many countries, the situation of children coming into conflict with the law is an issue of serious concern in Bangladesh. The Committee on the Rights of the Child in its concluding observations of 2003 expressed its concern over "the limited progress achieved in establishing a functioning justice system".

In the absence of a proper functioning juvenile system, no accurate statistical information is available on the actual number of children in conflict with law.

The 1974 Children Act is the main law concerning children in Bangladesh, but it deals both with children in need of protection/care as well as children in conflict with the law. Other laws, such as the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, also contain provision regarding children in conflict with the law.

Related Link: Children's Voices

Key Statistics
  • Child population (under 18 years) - 59.5 million
  • Minimum age of criminal responsibility - 9 years
  • Age when children can be tried as adults - 16 years
  • Number of child development centres - 3

Via Bangladesh-Blogger

> Image by Ahmed Sharif

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